7 x 7 Prayer Initiative


The 7×7 prayer initiative is a simple method that anyone can follow in praying for our country on a daily basis. The NDP task force has identified seven cultural centers of influence in our nation as areas for targeted prayer. Individuals can take seven minutes per day to pray (focusing one minute on each area), seven days a week. With this method, we are joining with other believers around the nation seeking God’s intervention in these areas:

Government – Pray for godly wisdom, discernment and humility for those who serve in authority – from city council members to the President. Lift up appointed officials such as judges, cabinet members and agency heads.

Education – Pray that our schools instill into the lives of tomorrow’s leaders a reverence for God and the Bible, as well as respect for the Christian values upon which our nation was founded.

Family – Pray daily for the institution of the family which is under attack in our nation. Praise God for marriage and pray for families within your circle of influence that are struggling.

Church – Pray for your churches and their leaders while asking God to grant us wisdom and vision to make the church a vessel for healing and revival in America.

Military – Pray for divine provision and protection for all military personnel and their families. Pray for courage, dependence on God and perseverance to endure hardship. Pray for Chaplains to deliver God’s Word in strength and compassion.

Business & Economy – Pray for integrity in our leaders. Lift up our Christian workers and business owners that they may serve with humility, compassion and grace. Pray for God’s protection and support for job security and growth.

Media – Pray for journalists to be fair and accurate with their reporting, and for entertainers to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. Ask God for truth to be the standard in media.